Call for Articles

Italianità among the Italian Diasporic Community
in Canada and the United States in the Twentieth Century


Articles are invited for possible inclusion in a special issue of Italian Canadiana that will focus on the theme of Italianità among the Italian diasporic community in Canada and the United States during the twentieth century. Topics of interest for this issue include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Defining what it means to be Italian in a diasporic community
  • The expression and preservation of Italian identit(ies)
  • The tension between regional and national identities
  • Negotiating Italianità in an assimilationist or multicultural context
  • Asserting Italian identity after before and after fascism
  • The varieties of Italian identity among pre-World War II and post-World War II immigrants

 Please send your article proposal to Professor Paul Baxa at

 Proposals should include your contact information (name, address, telephone, email), short bioblurb (100 words), the title of the article, and article abstract (150 words).

 Deadline for article proposal: 1 October 2021

 Deadline for article submission: 1 January 2022

 Proposals and articles will be accepted in any of the journal’s three official languages: English, French, or Italian.