Circa Marco Torello

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Finora Marco Torello ha creato 3 post nel blog.

[Conference] Canadian cultures: beyond the past, into the future

2023-09-19T08:49:13+02:00Tag: , |

ITALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANADIAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF MILAN DIPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, CULTURES AND MEDIATION Milano, 29 November – 1 December 2023 Les cultures du Canada : au-delà du passé, vers le futur Canadian cultures: beyond the past, into the future Le culture del Canada: oltre il passato, verso il futuro   Canada is [...]

[Conference] The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians and Their Works

2022-09-19T11:54:51+02:00Tag: , , , |

18th Biennial Conference of the Association of Italian-Canadian Writers (AICW) The Traces We Leave: Italian-Canadians and Their Works Università degli Studi di Torino (Via S. Ottavio 18) Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne Sezione di Anglistica e Americanistica Wednesday 28th September – Saturday 1st October 2022 DAY 1: WEDNESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Auditorium [...]

[INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE] Canada: Sapori di casa/A Taste of Home/Les saveurs de chez soi

2020-10-07T09:33:21+02:00Tag: , , , , |

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  Italian Association for Canadian Studies UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI BARI 14-16 novembre 2019 Canada: Sapori di casa/ A Taste of Home / Les saveurs de chez soi   Canada: A Taste of Home Usually connected to geography, social and cultural dynamics, as well as to production, distribution and consumption processes, food is one [...]

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